Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 5- Output/Input

            In making a website besides having a good computer I need extra input devices to make computing easier. For this I can get a wireless keyboard and mouse to free up space from wires. I also need good output devices such as monitors to display my information and scanners, printers, and fax machines to print important documents and get faxes to be able to send information such as reports and statements.
            New technologies such as smart phones and portable media players make it easier for websites such as mine to be accessed by users. Instead of having to be at home or in a set location to log onto the website and access information, a person can simply use their smart phone log onto the website or Facebook if they are already friends with someone in their class and ask them a question about an assignment on the go.
            One type of input device that can really enhance the usability of my website is web cams. This technology allows users to communicate face to face online even if the users are thousands of miles apart. So if you want to study group with someone on the website and just writing messages isn’t sufficient enough, you can face to face talk to them and allow for a better study experience. This can allow you to physically show someone how to do a math problem or just make talking to someone more personable, without actually having to leave your house and go across campus to meet each other. So if you have a big test and you need help studying, you can go on my website find someone in your class and video chat with them without having to go anywhere.  


  1. Incorporating the function of video chatting into your website would indeed be a great idea to help students group study. The only difficulty I see with it would be that your website would have to have its own video chatting software or utilize an already existing software such as Skype; either way, you should talk about that.

  2. I think you did a good job overall with touching upon many different ideas dealing with input and output. I agree with Rotgroth's comment above that you would have to consider the type of software and services that you use. Would you develop your own or pay fees to use already existing services?
