Monday, October 31, 2011

week9- Final post

My initial idea for the entrepreneurial project was to make a website that can allow people to connect with one another bases on the classes that they are taking. The website would allow you to create a profile and put in what school you attend and put in all the classes you are taking. Then for each class there would be a forum where you can talk to other people taking the same class about assignments and work on homework together.
Throughout the semester after attending lecture and reading the textbook, I learned a lot about tecknology and was able to evolve my idea by using these various techniques and strategies. For instance after the comment from the GA I realized at first it would probably be easier to try to incorporate my idea into myslice and then be able to put in into different school systems, before I made it into a separate sight. Also throughout the semester I learned of various technologies like social media, databases, input/output, everything that goes into computers, and all of this knowledge allowed me to understand what would really take to make a good website.
I feel like this was a very insightful project for many reasons. First of all it gave me the chance to experiment with the making up an entrepreneurial idea and the different methods and steps that go into creating one. This is a good experience that can help me decide if I ever want to become an entrepreneur. Secondly it was a good way to implement the course material and allow for me to not only get a better understanding of it but get a practical use of it.

I commented on 3 peoples blogs that i thought had good ideas and was interasted in.
The first one was by Elizabeth Ching

the second was by Chris Sarling

and the third was by Aaron Goldsmith 

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