Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 8- Networking

To be able to understand how to run my website or add my idea to another website such as myslice, I first need to understand how a network works and what elements fall into it. A website is only successful because it is connected to a network which millions of people can have access to.
            First people must connect to an internet service provider which allows them to be able to connect and communicate on the internet. Communication on the internet allows for people to be able to use blogs, chat, rooms, email, fax, instant messaging, and so on. These services are all incorporated into my idea. People can access the internet through wired connections or wireless internet hot spots which allows them to connect from anywhere where they get a signal.
            For a website to run properly it follows a web protocol such as HTTP, which allows a client to communicate with a web server. If I decide to make my own website instead of merging with myslice, I would need a domain name, which is an alias for an IP address. If my website gets big I can sell the domain name.
            Earlier I said that I could organize all of my data on spreadsheets and store it on my hard drive, but that is not efficient. Most websites operate using a database which all of there information is stored on. This database is online and can easily be accessed by the customers and the creators of the website. It can store terabits of data, and allows users to be able to search any criteria that they want and easily find what they need.

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