Monday, October 31, 2011

week9- Final post

My initial idea for the entrepreneurial project was to make a website that can allow people to connect with one another bases on the classes that they are taking. The website would allow you to create a profile and put in what school you attend and put in all the classes you are taking. Then for each class there would be a forum where you can talk to other people taking the same class about assignments and work on homework together.
Throughout the semester after attending lecture and reading the textbook, I learned a lot about tecknology and was able to evolve my idea by using these various techniques and strategies. For instance after the comment from the GA I realized at first it would probably be easier to try to incorporate my idea into myslice and then be able to put in into different school systems, before I made it into a separate sight. Also throughout the semester I learned of various technologies like social media, databases, input/output, everything that goes into computers, and all of this knowledge allowed me to understand what would really take to make a good website.
I feel like this was a very insightful project for many reasons. First of all it gave me the chance to experiment with the making up an entrepreneurial idea and the different methods and steps that go into creating one. This is a good experience that can help me decide if I ever want to become an entrepreneur. Secondly it was a good way to implement the course material and allow for me to not only get a better understanding of it but get a practical use of it.

I commented on 3 peoples blogs that i thought had good ideas and was interasted in.
The first one was by Elizabeth Ching

the second was by Chris Sarling

and the third was by Aaron Goldsmith 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 8- Networking

To be able to understand how to run my website or add my idea to another website such as myslice, I first need to understand how a network works and what elements fall into it. A website is only successful because it is connected to a network which millions of people can have access to.
            First people must connect to an internet service provider which allows them to be able to connect and communicate on the internet. Communication on the internet allows for people to be able to use blogs, chat, rooms, email, fax, instant messaging, and so on. These services are all incorporated into my idea. People can access the internet through wired connections or wireless internet hot spots which allows them to connect from anywhere where they get a signal.
            For a website to run properly it follows a web protocol such as HTTP, which allows a client to communicate with a web server. If I decide to make my own website instead of merging with myslice, I would need a domain name, which is an alias for an IP address. If my website gets big I can sell the domain name.
            Earlier I said that I could organize all of my data on spreadsheets and store it on my hard drive, but that is not efficient. Most websites operate using a database which all of there information is stored on. This database is online and can easily be accessed by the customers and the creators of the website. It can store terabits of data, and allows users to be able to search any criteria that they want and easily find what they need.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 7- Operating systems and utility programs

            When working with website such as the one I want to make, I need to have powerful and efficient computers. This goes father then just the individual components that make up a computer but the operating system is just as essential. The OS is a set of programs that have instructions that make all the activities in the computer. There are different OS but since I am I am used to windows I would probably use the newest version.
            I also need to manage my memory properly by not letting the RAM get over run and monitor that virtual memory. I don’t want any of my important documents to be lost so this is important. My OS also takes care of monitoring the over all performance which allows me to see if I need more processing power to run the site. It also updates important files and software.
            More so I want to make sure the protection of my computer is the best it could be. This I can do through different protection programs as well as windows firewall.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 6- Professional blogger post

I chose to write about the android developer’s blog which can be found on The blog includes posts from the different developers of android on various issues and updates.
            It seems that there is one main person that puts the posts up for the company, and he puts which developer the post came from. I like the way that they set this up, because all the posts are under one area and any developer you like you can go to their specific page and see all there posts.
            I focused on a post by Natascha Bock a product manager for android. The blog post that I read of hers focused on android market featured-image guidelines. She talks about how android can now use your featured image to promote your apps. She breaks down her post into different categories of what’s optional and what’s not, the do’s and dont’s and scaling. I like the way she sets it up because if you have a specific inquiry you can easily just go to it based on the titles of each part of the post. She also provides pictures and diagrams to give the reader a better understanding.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 5- Output/Input

            In making a website besides having a good computer I need extra input devices to make computing easier. For this I can get a wireless keyboard and mouse to free up space from wires. I also need good output devices such as monitors to display my information and scanners, printers, and fax machines to print important documents and get faxes to be able to send information such as reports and statements.
            New technologies such as smart phones and portable media players make it easier for websites such as mine to be accessed by users. Instead of having to be at home or in a set location to log onto the website and access information, a person can simply use their smart phone log onto the website or Facebook if they are already friends with someone in their class and ask them a question about an assignment on the go.
            One type of input device that can really enhance the usability of my website is web cams. This technology allows users to communicate face to face online even if the users are thousands of miles apart. So if you want to study group with someone on the website and just writing messages isn’t sufficient enough, you can face to face talk to them and allow for a better study experience. This can allow you to physically show someone how to do a math problem or just make talking to someone more personable, without actually having to leave your house and go across campus to meet each other. So if you have a big test and you need help studying, you can go on my website find someone in your class and video chat with them without having to go anywhere.