Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 2- social media

Humans do there best work when they collaborate with others, or at least I do anyway. So sometimes when I am trying to do an assignment for class or study for a test I find the need to bounce ideas off someone or have someone explain a concept to me with their interpretation of it. But a lot of the time you end up taking a class that you know no one in, and you could go through the effort of finding the directory for the class and searching the different people on facebook, and then trying to friend request them, and get rejected because they don’t know who you are and have no interest in talking to you, but that’s a lot of work.
That’s why I came up with the idea of a website that joins people together by the classes they take. The name of the website is still pending but basically you go on the website and create an account, by filling out your school and any other interests you want (much like facebook). Then you fill out your class schedule for the year and anyone else who is in that class and using the site shows up on a roster. You can group chat on the rosters, or have the option to add different people individually and privately chat with them. It also gives you the option to be connected with facebook, or any other social media so when u add friends you can chat with them on those websites. This would be a rate my professor meets facebook type interface.


  1. This is somewhat similar to the platform that Facebook used to have where you could actually look up other people by the class that they were in. It was a feature right around when Facebook launched and then a couple years ago they pulled it out of the product. I think there is a need for this type of product. I think that there might be other ways for you to roll this type of system out to universities. For instance, if there was a way that you could integrate with MySlice, that would make everything a lot easier.

  2. I like your idea about finding your classmates by their classes. This idea fits with creating a new social media website which I talk about on my blog: I think that we can help each other out by changing people's perspective on what a social media website should be.

  3. Your idea about connecting classmates together is really great and have lot of potential. I don't know why Facebook pulled the feature but I think they pulled it because they wanted to target their service for mass market instead of limiting their audience to just university students. This would be great if it would just roll out here in Syracuse. You can add other features and integrate with bigger services like Facebook & Google + later. Nice !!

  4. I like your idea about creating a website like this kind, because it really sucks when you have classes during your professors' office hours and you have question that need to be solved right away. At this time, this platform gonna be very useful, cause at least you can discuss with students that also take this class, and maybe you can solve the problem together instead feeling helpless alone and cannot find anyone to help.
