Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 4- Hardware and Privacy

Making a website like the one that I am trying to implement requires the proper hardware. Making and maintaining websites require powerful computers but computers are often expensive so to cut costs the best option would be to make my own. 
            First things first, I need to find a good CPU( central processing unit) which is one of the most important parts as it is the brain of the computer. It manages most of the operations and significantly impacts the computers overall computing power. Next comes the memory (RAM) which all the information being used by the processor is stored. This memory is important because it can be accessed faster then the hard drive memory. A good motherboard is also important to have because everything else in the computer plugs into it and it provides the first level of management. A large hard drive is also equally as important as it stores all information that is not being used by the processor, so any directory for the site and any important documents and files I have would go on that. A good graphics card is important as it takes the information from the processor and displays it on the monitor. Next I need a good optical drive to run any programs I have, as well as a good power supply which keeps the computer operational. A cooling system is also important because its easy for computers to over heat and this can cause it to crash. Finally I choose a case to hold all the components and choose an operating system, which most likely would be windows because most things run on that, and its easier for compatibility.
            Next comes the assembly of the system which has to be done very carefully because any mistakes can cause the whole system to malfunction. Also it can be dangerous as everything carries an electrical signal and a lot of the parts have sharp edges. After the assembly you simply install the operating system and any programs you need and you’re all set. By building the computer myself I can not only save money on parts but get the proper ones I need for the most efficient computer I can get to make my website.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 3- privacy and excel

So the website will allow you to be able to find and connect with kids in any class that you are taking at your university.
First I would need to make the website. This I will do by using a word processing program to create basic web pages that contain text and graphics. Then I would use the web site authoring software to make it more sophisticated with the help of graphics and multimedia software. I would also use project management software to allow me to plan, schedule, track, and analyze events, resources, and costs for making the website.
I want the website to be free for users, so thus I need to get a lot of add space and sponsors for the website. Maybe charge the different universities that want to be on the website a fee. Keeping track of all of these finances I will need to use accounting software which will help me keep track of my financial transactions. It will allow me write and print checks as well.
To insure that everything is organized like my financial information, different users, universities, classes, and how the website is doing, I will use spreadsheets and Microsoft excel to organize everything. This will allow me to make spread sheets for the various amounts of information I have and make charts and graphs to show how well the website is doing based on the amount of users. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 2- social media

Humans do there best work when they collaborate with others, or at least I do anyway. So sometimes when I am trying to do an assignment for class or study for a test I find the need to bounce ideas off someone or have someone explain a concept to me with their interpretation of it. But a lot of the time you end up taking a class that you know no one in, and you could go through the effort of finding the directory for the class and searching the different people on facebook, and then trying to friend request them, and get rejected because they don’t know who you are and have no interest in talking to you, but that’s a lot of work.
That’s why I came up with the idea of a website that joins people together by the classes they take. The name of the website is still pending but basically you go on the website and create an account, by filling out your school and any other interests you want (much like facebook). Then you fill out your class schedule for the year and anyone else who is in that class and using the site shows up on a roster. You can group chat on the rosters, or have the option to add different people individually and privately chat with them. It also gives you the option to be connected with facebook, or any other social media so when u add friends you can chat with them on those websites. This would be a rate my professor meets facebook type interface.